
Showing posts with label Cost Accounting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cost Accounting. Show all posts

Monday, 8 April 2019

April 08, 2019

What is accounting?Basic Concept OF Accounting

What is accounting?
Accounting the ability of a person or group of people to perform work related to mathematical calculations , statistics, graphs, numerical records in order to order, establish all the movements of a company or trade.

The word comes from " accounting ", ie counter issues , person holding books calculations on a trade or small business , banks and others.

In addition: Cost accounting .

Types of accounting
The accounting is classified according to the item where it is used:

Business accounting:  It includes calculations of costs, expenses, income , production of the year, expenses or extraordinary income (fiscal, operating, financial sanctions, losses and gains by exchange rate).
Financial accounting : Includes the gross export surplus, added value, commercial margin, self-financing capacity, resources, assets, liabilities , amortization, solvency of the company, financial ratios, factors of production and the exploitation cycle.
Bank Accounting :  For the management of different business funds, loans, securities, bonds , different types of currencies. They also work with econometric models that establish market variables, because of the foregoing, rigorous accounting controls are made to avoid errors.
Matrix accounting : It is one that uses matrices to facilitate more simply in rows and columns of must and have in their books.
Cost accounting : Can be linked to business and / or financial accounting covers all internal company, materials, salaries , facilities and serves to makeproduction data , investment salaries, purchase of goods, social charges, financial expenses, amortizations and provisions of the current year. On the other hand, it includes what refers to subsidies, turnover, rent of borrowed capital, obligations on other companies. This leads to a result of profit or losses, the net result of the company.
National accounting :  It refers to the accounting of the so-called "State budget". It is extremely important for a nation its economic declaration and requires preparation, discussion and approval of the legislative power. And then, an execution. In this case, the control is governed by a court of accounts where every year budgetary balances, financing of public expenditure, direct and indirect taxes, tax revenues, such as VAT (value added tax) are given. This concept is related to the "trade balance" that is similar to the state budget.
Planning accounting : It is the one that tends to see the possible positive changes within the company and in the medium that it is positioned. In addition, it is responsible for seeing the future expansion way. His topics to be discussed are: sales planning, optimization, new resources, marketing , costs of the same. It also focuses on following the production numbers, making a cost plan, a supply plan, the possibility of expanding the margin and internal financing plan and for consumption incentive. This implies the search for greater effectiveness, including creativity , new ideas to be implemented.

What is cost accounting?

Cost accountingCost accounting gives us real and concrete information of all the costs and expenses that a company has to produce . Establishing the cost of a product serves to have control over the production, the sale of the product, the administration and the financing thereof.

The cost is the value paid for obtaining goods or services . The cost causes a reduction of assets. The costs of a company are related to the activities that are carried out daily.

When performing a cost accounting, the administrative and managerial work is evaluated . It is always necessary to compare the income of the company and the costs that have previously projected.

Also: What is accounting?

What should accounting for costs take into account?
cost accounting
The cost is the monetary value of the raw material and labor.
A company needs to take certain aspects into account when accounting for costs . First, the product and its elements, the volume and production, the tasks performed, the period of time , and so on.

As for the products, the materials or resources used in their production must be taken into account , directly and indirectly, the labor (that is, the effort of the employees, both physical and mental) and the manufacturing costs.

With regard to the activities carried out around the production of a product , manufacturing is taken into account , that is, production, the market (promotion and sale of the product), administrative costs ( salaries , etc.) and financial costs .

For example, if a product has a cost of materials of a certain value, to that must be added the salary of the employees that produce them, what is spent on the distribution and advertising , taxes, and so on.

You have to differentiate what are the costs of the expenses . The cost is the monetary value of the raw material and labor . Expenditure corresponds to the time of production, distribution and administration of the company, such as the payment of wages.

Why is cost accounting important?
Knowing in detail the production costs allow a greater control of operations. Cost accounting offers the company all the information it needs to make timely and correct decisions based on real and concrete information.

This information is useful to develop new projects and evaluate the activities carried out within the company. As we said at the beginning of this article, knowing the cost of a product helps us to have control over the production, the sale of the product, the administration and the financing of it.

Accounting always has the objective to provide useful data to managers of a company or organization to make decisions correctly in the economic area. The data obtained are recorded in accounting documents that show the economic situation of the company in question. In general, cost accounting looks for short-term objectives so that the company obtains benefits and not losses.

In addition, the company will know exactly how much to sell the product according to the total expenses of the same, which exceeds the raw material, since labor and administration are taken into account. The company thus finds a state of balance between revenue and costs , and thus may take decisions, which ultimately is the primary objective of a business.

Sunday, 7 April 2019

April 07, 2019

Concept Of Passive Accounting

Concept Of Passive Accounting

We explain what the liability is, how this type of accounting obligations is classified and its relation to assets and net worth.

The liabilities include all the contractual commitments and debts of a company.

  1. What is the liability?

It is understood as a liability, in financial accounting , to the obligations of a person or company, that is, to its debt with various types of creditors . The liability is then the opposite of the asset, which represents the financial assets and rights that the person or company possesses .
In this sense, liabilities include all contractual commitments and debts, collected in promissory notes , payment commitments, pending liquidation,  wages payable, taxes generated, etc. and all of them must be deducted from the net worth of the company or person , since they are capital outflows (investments or losses).
The liabilities of a company are part of the information clarified in a balance sheet of the situation (accounting balance), where they should be distinguished from the assets.
They are, together with the net patrimony, the possible sources of financing of a company, being the liabilities always a form of external or foreign financing  (indebtedness).
Therefore, the payment of liabilities is usually prioritized in order to acquire solvency, and often the record of the same  of a company or of a person serves as reference for its credit assessment and other important financial procedures.
See also: Profitability .
  1. Classification of liabilities

The required liability is the total of debts with short or long term dates.

The liability can be of several types:
  • Required liabilities . It covers the total of debts, documented or not, that the person or company has with third parties, a product of external financing. Said liabilities involve short or long-term obligations (classified as short or long-term liabilities, therefore), depending on the stipulated date of cancellation of the debt, that is, the moment in which payment is required.
  • Liability not due . This concept would cover the total of the reserves and own funds of a company that can not be disposed of when belonging to the shareholders, but that can not be demanded by them either. However, many accountants do not agree with the existence of this.
  • Contingent liability . An obligation arising from past events, which may or may not materialize in the future depending on certain conditions, and which may or may not become a specific obligation to pay.
  1. Relationship between assets, liabilities and equity

We already know that the assets and liabilities represent, respectively, the holdings and revenues and the debts and expenses of the accounting of a company or of any other person. On the other hand, the patrimony is the sum of the contributions of the owners , once discounted the operative expenses and the losses; that is, it is the total of what is held as social capital in a company, once the losses were discounted and the profits (or profits ) were added up.
This patrimony is therefore made up of patrimonial elements, which are the list of the different assets and liabilities to be taken into account.
Net Worth, then, is the financing sources owned by a company or person, that is, the own resources available without third party financing (which generates a liability).
So that:
  • The asset is the set of assets owned, as well as their rights of use and transformation, capital, debts receivable. They are the destination (the use) of the financial means and the economic structure of the company.
  • The liabilities and net assets are the sources of financing, external and internal, respectively, that is used to start a project. They are the source (origin) of the financial means, and they make up the financial structure of the company.
Hence, the equity balance of a company is achieved by comparing or comparing its  economic structure  (asset) and its  financial structure  (liability + net worth). Also, the following quantifiable relationships can be given numerically:
  • Asset = Liability + Net Equity
  • Net Equity = Assets - Liabilities

Saturday, 6 April 2019

April 06, 2019

Concept Of Income In Accounting

Concept Of Income In Accounting
We explain what is the income and the types of income that exist. In addition, its definition in different areas such as accounting and economics.

Revenues are the increase of economic resources.

  1. What is income?

Income is defined as the increase in economic resources presented by an organization , a person or an accounting system, and which constitutes an increase in their net worth. This term is used with similar technical meanings in different areas of economic and administrative activity.
For example, the total that a company receives for the sale of its products is called income (in English  revenue ), but also the total of the incomes received by the citizens of a nation is called equal (in English  income ).
Depending on the specific meaning, income can be a variable considered when measuring economic and financial performance, or when designing accounting and administrative plans.
Types of income
The income can be classified into different categories, such as:
  • Public income . Those that receive the State or its different dependencies from taxes and other collection mechanisms.
  • Private income . Those that concern private companies or private groups, whether or not they are for profit.
  • Ordinary income . Those that are obtained in a customary manner, that is, habitual, such as salaries and regular payments.
  • Extraordinary income . Those that come from unforeseen or unexpected events or events, such as issuing government bonds or winning the lottery.
  • Income  Total is . The sum of what is perceived by an organization or a company due to its regular commercial activity, that is, when selling all its products or services.
  • Marginal revenue . In microeconomics , it is called the increase of the total sale of a sector, when a unit is positioned more than expected.
  • Average income . An indicator obtained from the average of the products sold, that is, the total income among the total units sold.
It can help you: Financial Statements .
  1. Income in accounting

In accounting, a distinction is made between income from the sale of goods or the rendering of services.

Business accounting considers income as the increase in the net worth of a company , either due to the increase in the value of its assets (increase in profits , for example), or due to the decrease of its liabilities (such as the maturity of a debt ).
In this calculation the contributions of partners and owners are not contemplated, however, since they should eventually return to the investors.
A distinction is usually made between income from the sale of goods or the provision of services. However, whether the income is monetary or not, they are framed in the same calculation of consumption and profit.
  1. Income in economy

In economics, income is the total of the profits of an entity.

The income in economy is equivalent to the total of the earnings that an entity receives budgeted , be it public, private, individual or group. It is one of the indispensable elements in any economic evaluation, whether monetary or not, as a result of the consumption-profit circuit.
The presence and nature of income in a society are part of the elements that characterize the social, political and cultural relations that this presents, since they have an impact on the quality of life and economic stability.
In addition, they can be reinjected into the economic circuit , generating dynamism and movement in the economic system, all of which often translates into growth.
  1. Income and expenses

income and expenses
Expenses are the capital outflow that the organization must do.

Income and expenses are opposite terms. This opposition is based on the fact that the income is linked to the entry of capital into an organization or system, as a result of its profits and its economic activity; while the expenditures point to the opposite process: the outflow of capital or disbursements of money that the organization must make, but which result in loss or decrease in net worth.
In other words, regular payments and investments are not considered expenditures , since they are part of the ordinary productive circuit and must return at the end of the cycle. On the other hand, extraordinary payments and monetary losses or not, must be recorded as an exit.
  1. Income per capita

per capita income
Per capita income calculates the income of the inhabitants in relation to national income.

It is called per capita income (income per head) to an indicator that consists of the calculation of the income of each one of the inhabitants, their families, companies, organizations, etc., in relation to the national income and therefore with the quality of life and the level of consumption of said society . It is usually calculated according to the following formula:
Income per capita = National income (IN) / Total population (PT)
Per capita income is often used to establish economic comparisons between countries or regions , and thus establish the rate of progress of a country with respect to its neighbors or similar.

Friday, 5 April 2019

April 05, 2019

Heritage Concept In Accounting

Heritage Concept In Accounting

We explain what is heritage and what are the elements of heritage in law. In addition, its main characteristics.

The heritage has a close relationship with what we know today as an inheritance.

  1. What is Heritage?

The word heritage comes from the Latin patrimonÄ­um , and refers to the set of goods that a person acquires through the corresponding property title.
In the epistemological sense of the word, heritage is understood as that which is obtained through the line of the father , that is to say that it has a close relationship with the term we now know as an inheritance. This term was already used since the time of ancient Rome, where family property could be inherited.
  1. Heritage in Law

Heritage - Heritage - Law
The rights and obligations should be subject to a value expressed in currency.

In the field of law, the concept of heritage acquires great importance, especially in the field of civil law and in relation to private law institutions . Although it is also defined as the set of goods, the right is added to its definition the rights and obligations of a person, whether the same physical or legal , which can be externalized in monetary value.
In any case, this definition is always subject to changes according to the author who treats it . However, there is a point in common in the three basic elements that make up the heritage, which are:
  • Set of rights and obligations.  These two elements act unitarily, that is, they can not be separated from each other.
  • Monetary value.  The elements mentioned in the previous point must be subject to a value that can be expressed in the currency of use.
  • Title.  In order for these rights and obligations to be valid, the title that proves or credits them must exist. In the case in which the subject who owns the estate is a creditor must prove it, in case of debtor there must be another subject that demonstrates the debt that the former has to him.
  1. Characteristics of the Heritage

From this definition it is also possible to distinguish between assets and liabilities of equity:
  • The assets refer to the rights and assets that the subject owns, whether real or credit.
  • The liabilities refer to the debts, charges and obligations of the subject.
Certain authors give certain characteristics to heritage, such as:
  • Indivisibility.  that is to say that a single person can be the possessor of a certain patrimony.
  • Intransmissibility  that is, that the patrimony can not be inherited if the person who owns it has not yet died. When the individual has died his ownership over the patrimony is extinguished, being able in this way to inherit his descendants.
  • Impossibility of embargo  in this case, when the right to inherit has not yet been acquired, the good, meanwhile, can not be seized.
The patrimony can be classified in different ways according to the characteristics that it has, some of them are the residual, the collective, the heritage of nasciturus and the administration , also known as the destination.
We explain what an inventory is and how this asset register is composed. In addition, the types of inventory that are usually used.

An inventory provides specific information on the purchase and sale actions.

  1. What is Inventory?

Inventories are real and concrete goods, that is, movable and immovable property. These form the commercial flow of a person or a company . These goods are for sale, hence the commercial character, or for the consumption of goods and / or services. The inventories are made in a certain period of time .
If a company is commercial, its livelihood is always the purchase and sale, that is, the exchange of goods and also of services. With the inventory the company carries out an exhaustive control of merchandise  during the commercial period, and at the end of it has the "final balance", that balance is comparable with that of other years and serves to draw conclusions and from there take certain actions depending of the result When the goods are being counted for a certain economic period, it is necessary that they appear in the "Current Assets" group, this means that it is all the merchandise at the cost that is in the hands of a company.
The concept of inventory has to do with accounting , which is a system of control and recording of profits ( income and expenses), as well as economic operations, in this case carried out by a company or association, reflecting the financial movements they carry out.
The direct relationship between inventory and accounting is the core of commerce . The aforementioned companies as commercials must without fail have a tenacious control in their operations, the inventory provides summary and also concrete information on the actions of purchase and sale of goods or services.
Concrete information has pillars on which it is based. For example, each inventory has in its interior:
  • The initial inventory, then you begin to place the valuation of the goods you have when the accounting period begins.
  • The purchases represent the merchandise acquired by the company in order to market it.
  • Returns and purchase expenses.
  • The sales are the transfer, in this case, of a good to another person after the payment of a price already agreed.
  • Sales returns
  • Goods in transit (are those that are on track to reach the company but have not arrived yet).
  • Goods on consignment that do not belong to the company, and finally
  • The final inventory, which is an analysis comparison of the goods at the beginning of the period and at the end of it, where yields results profits and losses registered.
See also: Cost Accounting .
  1. Types of inventories

Although it is not the same inventory for all types of companies, inventories vary depending on the specialty or particularity of each company. Not all are dedicated to the same and that is why they correspond an inventory according to their merchandise. Some are dedicated exclusively to the sale of finishedproducts and these correspond to inventories of finished products .
Different is an inventory of raw materials , which are the elements that once processed will be a product. There are products that are not in a state of raw material or finished product, are in an intermediate process, that is to say that they are being carried out or being formed, and these correspond to a determined inventory, in this case the inventory of products in manufacturing process .

Thursday, 4 April 2019

April 04, 2019

Credit Line In accounting

Credit Line In accounting

We explain what is a line of credit and some of its features. Also, its difference with a loan.

The current line often operates as a credit support to current accounts.

  1. What is a line of credit?

A line of credit is credit tool offered to governments , companies or individuals by banks or financial consortiums, which stipulates in advance a total amount that is made available to the applicant, usually in a bank account or some financial instrument, from where you can have funds to reach the top.
The line of credit has the virtue that interest is paid only for the amount withdrawn and not for the total loan agreed.
Often this type of financial tools require a collateral: an asset that serves as a guarantee of payment of money and that serves as a guarantee to access credit. This is because, together with the capital loaned, the applicant must return interest and stipulated commissions, and all in a certain period of time and with a certain periodicity.
In common banking, credit lines are known as credit  accounts  and often operate as a credit support to checking or checking accounts . In this way, if the account holder issues a check or makes a payment and his balance is not enough to cover the amount requested, the check is not returned or the transaction is rejected, but it is covered with money from the line of credit. credit, which must then be paid to the bank according to specific conditions; a bit to the way of using credit cards.
See also: Banking Credit .
  1. Differences between line of credit and loan

In the majority of the loans the determined amount is given at the moment of your request.

Although loans and lines of credit are forms of liabilities , that is, forms of borrowing money, there are important differences between both concepts, such as the following:
  • Delivery of money . In the majority of the loans the applicant is given a certain amount or requested at the same moment of his request, under the commitment of payment of the amount requested plus interest and commissions, according to a period and a periodicity of payment. In the line of credit, however, a maximum limit of money is established and the applicant is provided whatever he or she wishes (below the cap, obvious) and interest and commissions are charged only for the amount withdrawn, not for the total amount prescribed. .
  • Return of money . As in the previous point, the loans are paid in full at the time of expiration, unless there has previously been an amortization; while the credit lines charge the requested balance upon expiration, which may be much lower than the maximum limit set.
  • Interest rate . The amount charged for interest on a loan is always lower than the amount for the lines of credit. In addition, in many lines of credit, commission of services must be paid for the amount not yet requested, to guarantee its availability.
  • Renewal . Lines of credit can be renewed as many times as desired, provided that the credit issuer so guarantees; while the loans can not be extended or renewed: they must be paid at the end of the fixed term, in any case being able to be paid with money coming from a new loan that would come to replace it.
  • We explain what an action is and the types of actions that exist. In addition, what are the common actions.
    The shares are documents that assign ownership of a part of the share capital.
    1. What is an action?

    In the financial sector, known as action one security issued by a given society , and is equivalent to the monetary value of one (1) of the same parties in the capital of fragmented business .
    That is, stocks are investment documents that you assigned to the holder ownership of a portion of the principal social , which will be higher in the more shares you have. The holders of these securities are known as  shareholders .
    Commonly, the shareholders of a company enjoy political rights (vote at shareholders' meetings to decide on business management), and economic rights (receive benefits from the company and eventually earn profits in relation to the number of titles they manage).
    However, since the shares  are usually freely transferable , there are usually majority and minority shareholders, the former always with greater decision-making power when handling larger portions of the corporate capital stock.
    The return of the shares, that is, the money they generate to their holder, is usually considered an investment in variable income, that is, that lacks a fixed payment determined by contract in advance, but varies according to the performance of the company and Obviously, the amount of shares you have. But all the shareholders of a successful company receive economic benefits from it.
    The purchase and sale price of an action will depend on the financial situation of the company at the time of the transaction. In many cases, the purchase of cheap shares and their subsequent more expensive sale is an indicator of good business performance, so that their ownership is part of the assets of each investor . This value has different mechanisms to quantify and allocate, as occurs in the stock market indices (the stock market).
    1. Types of actions

    Limited voting shares give the right to vote only on certain issues.
    There are the following types of actions:
    • Common or ordinary . They give the possessor a share in corporate assets and the right to voice and vote in the corporate boards of the company.
    • Preferred . Shares with a generally fixed dividend rate, with payment preference over the common ones, for various financial reasons.
    • Of limited vote . They give the holder the right to vote only in certain business matters, in exchange they tend to be preferred or give a higher dividend than the common shares.
    • Convertibles . Those actions that can be converted into bonds (although the usual is that it happens in reverse).
    • Of industry . Instead of providing capital to the company, the holders provide services or a specific job and receive shares in return.
    • Released . Those that do not require payment by the holder, since they are the payment of benefits or utilities that the latter should have received.
    1. Common actions

    common actions
    Common shares lack an expiration date and are negotiable.
    Common shares are, first and foremost, financial assets. They lack an expiration date , are fully negotiable and represent a small portion of the company's property.
    Its issuance usually responds to urgent financing needs, but it is the most expensive way to raise funds , since the returns generated in the future must be allocated to the benefit of the shareholders.
    In addition, selling shares means losing the autonomy of the company in some way, since shareholders usually gain voice and vote in decision-making.
    The shareholders also have a limited liability in the company, that is, that their personal assets will not be at risk before the performance of the company nor will they automatically form part of the company's total assets.
    In this way, a common shareholder can not lose more than his economic contribution to the company (equivalent to a defined number of shares purchased, for example).