
Friday 15 March 2019

what are the objectives of an organization

what are the objectives of an organization

We explain what are the objectives of an organization and how they are classified. How they are established, and some examples.

Maximizing annual profits is an example of an organizational objective.

  1. What are the organizational objectives?

In corporate language, organizational objectives are called to the desired situations that every company seeks to achieve in the different areas that compose it or that are of interest, and that specify the desire contained in its mission and vision through achievable goals .
Like any objective , once these goals are reached, new ones will be chosen and so on, guiding the progress of the organization based on its future projection . It can be said that the objectives are the indicators on the way to be covered by the company , which also serve to measure their performance: a successful company is expected to fulfill most of the objectives that it has set.
On the other hand, the objectives of a company provide its legitimacy, since a company that does not reach its goals will not be able to convince future clients or investors.
The objectives of an organization are determined based on its initial plan or strategic direction , which also includes the response to accidents and incidents that arise from the environment in which it operates. The recovery of challenging situations, the overcoming of unexpected challenges or difficulties born within the market, are only some possibilities of organizational objectives of external origin.
On the contrary, the growth of the payroll of workers , the maximization of the efficiency of the processes , the expansion towards new horizons, are objectives of internal origin.
It can help you: Values ​​of a Company .
  1. Types of organizational objectives

The organizational objectives are classified based on their projection in time , that is, in the history of the organization . Thus, there are three different types:
  • Long term . Those objectives of fulfillment in a remote coming time. They are also known as strategic objectives, as they guide the medium and short term when defining the future of the company.
  • Medium - term . Known as tactical objectives, they are an intermediate instance between the long and short term, serving as an adaptation by areas of the company of the necessary plans to fulfill the general objective.
  • Short term . These immediate compliance objectives (in a range of less than one year) are designed to address specific situations close to the time, and are usually broken down by productive unit or even employee. The medium and short term depend on the daily fulfillment of these objectives, within the framework of which they should focus.
  1. How are organizational objectives established?

Organizational objectives
It is necessary to define the cost, feasibility and time of each objective.

To establish the organizational objectives of a company requires a logical methodology that takes into account the following:
  • Mission and vision of the company . Everything contained in the mission and vision is key to determining the general objective of the company, and hence the series of specific objectives that arise. At the end of the day, in them is the organization's mission.
  • Business priorities and their scale . The priority scale of the company must be planned, that is, what are the urgent tasks and which are not, which are the most important and the superfluous ones. Only in this way can accurate and applicable objectives be achieved.
  • The identification of business standards . It is necessary to define the cost, feasibility and time of each objective, according to the capabilities and convenience of the company, since these measures will serve as control and comptroller for the fulfillment of the goals and their eventual modification or adaptation.
  1. Examples of organizational objectives

Some possible examples of organizational objectives can be:
  • Maximize annual profits
  • Grow up to double the payroll of personnel.
  • Expand to a new market.
  • Recover the capital lost during a crisis.
  • Minimize investment risks.
  • Increase market share.
  • Reach the projected earnings.
  • Survive the depression of the commercial sector.

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