what management is and what are the management instruments
We explain what management is and what are the management instruments. In addition, who are the managers and the management as a process.
What is management?
The word management comes from the Latin gestĭo , and refers to the administration of resources , whether within a state or private institution, to achieve the objectives proposed by it.
For this, one or more individuals direct the work projects of other people in order to improve the results , which otherwise could not be obtained.
Management instruments
Management uses various instruments to function, first refer to the control and improvement of processes , secondly the found files , they will take care to preserve data and finally the tools to consolidate data and to make decisions wise .
Anyway it is important to know that these tools vary over the years , that is, they are not static, especially those that refer to the world of information technology . That is why managers must change the instruments they use often.
One of the techniques used in management is the fragmentation of institutions . This means that we try to differentiate sectors or departments. Within each sector, the aforementioned instruments will be applied in order to manage them separately and coordinate them with the rest.
Who are the Managers?
People who make the commitment to organize and manage institutions are often called managers. They are responsible for the profitability and success of the agencies for which they work.
Many of the people who reach these positions do so through the career they have done throughout their lives , occupying in various places in the institution for which they work . It is considered that good managers possess certain characteristics is common.
Some of them are the recognition of the good performance of their peers or subordinates and in turn the good reviews they are capable of performing. They are ideal to support and help the rest of the staff when required, training and guiding them in a clear manner, with precise objectives. They are usually people who generate sincere communication and who stimulate trust among the individuals with whom they work. Good managers usually choose in a personal way what they will work with closely. It also tries to gain the respect of the staff with whom it works.
Management as a process: The stages
There are those who consider that management is a process in which certain stages can be recognized:
- The first one is planning , it is at this stage where the short and long term objectives will be set and how they will be achieved. It is from this organization that the rest of the stages will be determined.
- Then the organization can be mentioned , at this moment the managers determine in detail the procedure to reach the objectives formulated previously. For this, the disposition of the working relationships is created and who will lead them. In other words, the structure that will organize the institution is created.
- The third stage is to lead , in this case it is intended that the personnel have a direction and motivation, in such a way that it is possible to achieve the objectives.
- Finally control must be mentioned , in this case the manager or managers examine whether the planning is respected and the objectives are met. For this they must be able to make certain corrections and directions if the rules are not followed.
- We explain what is the address and what is the business address. Also, why is it necessary and some meanings?
What is Direction?
- Postal address In the first place we can talk about address as domicile, that is, the place of residence of an individual. This would be the postal address.
- Internet addresses However, today there are other types of addresses, such as those used on the Internet to send emails (email addresses) and documents, in a virtual and non-physical world. You also need an address or URL to access web pages .
Management in companies
- Circumstance. that is, there is a precise moment in which an address is required.
- Leader. that fulfills the role of directing people and projects ,
- Directed. who take the addresses of their leaders.
Follow on: What is a leader? .
Why is the Directorate necessary?
- It is through the management that the objectives of the organization are communicated together with the way to reach them.
- It also allows a common moral in the workers to be created that allows greater productivity.
- Determine in turn what are the expected behaviors by the staff.
- Finally, it generates the communication that is required within the institution.
What is the direction in geometry and in physics?
- Geometry. An address is a line on which points move. The senses in which it can be traversed can be opposite.
- Physical . Management is understood as the path or path pursued by bodies when they are in movement . This is of great importance since in the mechanics it is required to study the movement to be able to know the position in which the body will be, always depending on the variable of the time .
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